Eco development

Eco-development in EUROWAGON
our way to a sustainable future

At EUROWAGON, we are fully committed to sustainability, treating it as a cornerstone of our business strategy. Our mission is not only to provide innovative solutions in the transport industry, but also to actively contribute to protecting the environment and promoting the efficient use of natural resources.

We follow the idea of sustainable development

In July 2023, we adopted the ‘EuroWagon Group Sustainable Development Strategy’. We are focusing on expanding our intermodal wagon rental business on the European market so as to contribute to the development of rail freight transport in the European Union. This is another step in realising EuroWagon Group’s mission to be a new and environmentally friendly alternative for customers on the sustainable European wagon rental market.

Our investments in intermodal wagons – the EU's ‘zero emissions’ strategy

The EuroWagon Group recognizes that sustainability should be the main driver of any investment strategy. For this reason, the Group's development focuses on four areas:

1. implementation of low-emission transport projects,
2. contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions,
3. continuous analysis of the opportunities and threats to the climate arising from the Group's activities,
4. reducing the negative impact of the Group's activities on the environment.

Taking into account the EU's zero-emission strategy and the above-mentioned areas, which are the pillars of the EuroWagon Group’s development, we have taken the decision to withdraw from investing in open-box wagons, which are used for coal transport, and since the beginning of 2020 have been investing in intermodal wagons systematically reducing the number of open-box wagons in the Group's portfolio, which significantly speeds up ‘moving trucks to the rails’.

The EuroWagon Group Sustainability Strategy in brief

We identify two main objectives in our Sustainability Strategy:

1. Investment in assets that support the European Green Deal and the Paris Agreement – by offering wagons to the market that will help reduce CO2 emissions by 90% in the transport industry by 2050.

2. Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Our intention is to align ourselves with the goals recommended by the United Nations in those areas where EUROWAGON can have the greatest impact. In our view, we can influence Goal 9 (‘Build stable infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation’) and Goal 13 (‘Take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects’).


Sustainalytics rates EuroWagon's ‘Green Loan Framework’ as credible and contributing to environmental protection

EuroWagon Intermodal, a growing company in the EuroWagon Group, recently adopted the Green Loan Framework, a framework for green and sustainable financing, the funds of which EuroWagon will use to acquire assets that will contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions by supporting the transition to low-emission rail freight transport in Europe.

In July 2023. Sustainalytics, a leading ESG research, ratings and data company, issued an opinion on the EuroWagon Green Loan Framework document, stating that it is consistent with the four core principles of the Green Loan Principles 2023 adopted by the Loan Market Association, Asia Pacific Loan Market Association and Loan Syndication & Trading Association.

KfW IPEX-Bank will finance up to 800 state-of-the-art intermodal wagons for the EuroWagon Group

In 2023, KfW IPEX-Bank will start supporting the EuroWagon Group in the development of environmentally friendly and sustainable freight transport with financing under the ‘Green Loan by KfW IPEX-Bank’ formula, sufficient to purchase around 800 new intermodal wagons.

KfW IPEX-Bank supports the transformation, as it finances future technologies to help society realise the principles of sustainability in all three of its aspects: corporate governance, environment and social responsibility. By implementing ambitious sectoral guidelines for CO2-emitting sectors, KfW IPEX-Bank ensures that its financing is in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

[Translate to English:] Dzierżawa wagonów

Find out more about how the EuroWagon Group is meeting its sustainability goals by visiting Sustainalytics: